Governors Terms of Reference
The responsibility of the governing body is to support the provision of an outstanding education for children aged 3 – 11 years, to determine the educational character of the school and to ensure its well-being and financial solvency.
Our board of governors are drawn from the public and private sector, and each member brings with them significant expertise in one or more areas. Governors are drawn from the staff, parents, community and Local Authority which provides the school with a rich mix of experience and views to guide the strategic management.
Governors meet termly to ensure curriculum is taught and for carrying out assessments, preparing curriculum statement, setting targets, ensure all statutory requirements are enshrined in school policy and ensure school policy is enforced.
i. The Governing Body decide:
- The membership of the Committee
- The powers it may have
- The procedure for appointing the chairman
At least 2/3rds of the governing body must be present when these decisions are made.
ii. The Headteacher has the right to attend all committee meetings.
iii.The Governing Body remain responsible for any decisions taken by committees.
All these decisions are then reported to the Governing body at the next meeting.
iv. At least three governors should be in membership of a committee.
v. Finance, Staffing and Buildings Committee should have five members and four present at any time for decision making.
Committee members are entitled to 7 days written notice of a meeting and its agenda.
Minutes must be kept of all meetings including names of people present.
Anyone who has financial or other interest in a matter under discussion must withdraw from the meeting and this must be recorded in the Minutes.
Finance, Staffing and Buildings Committee
- To set the annual budget for ratification by the full governing body.
- To ensure that any funds designated to a certain area are spent appropriately
- To check termly that targets are being met
- To ensure Health and Safety aspects are up-to-date
- To draw up plans or seek quotes re any repairs and maintenance
- Establishing criteria for Head for the purposes of performance management and determining pay level
- Annual Teachers’ Pay Review
- The chair of this committee is: Adele Bull
Appointments Committee
- To appoint members of staff (full Governing Body for the appointment of the Headteacher)
Appeals Committee
- The membership of the Appeals Committee shall include no fewer members of the governing body than that of the first committee the decision of which is subject to appeal
Short listing Committee
- To assist with the short-listing of applications for job vacancies within the school.