Reading in Class R
Children in Class R will read every day. This may be sometimes as an individual, a group, as a whole class or with a partner and may not always be from a book and cannot always be recorded in their reading records. To support our reading Class R will be learning a range of skills.
Initially these reading skills include;
- Understanding that the print holds the meaning;
- Knowing that one spoken word equals one printed word;
- Identifying that picture cues help tell the story;
- Being able to tell a story using only the pictures;
- Beginning to recognise common sounds in words (phonemes) and their common corresponding spellings (graphemes)
- Beginning to be able to blend common phonemes;
- Beginning to be able to segment simple words into their common phonemes
We will also be learning to retell favourite stories, sing songs and recite rhymes and poems. Most importantly we will be getting enjoyment from text. In order for your child to become a successful reader it is ESSENTIAL that they are enthusiastic and interested in books. AT NO TIME SHOULD READING BECOME A CHORE!
In school we will be using a wide range of resources that are designed to help us learn and practise these skills e.g. picture books (with and, importantly, without print), games, CDs, computer activities as well as the daily play opportunities that are designed to enrich the children’s language skills. Our classroom environment will reflect the importance of a language-rich approach to reading via the wealth of signs and notices that will accompany each activity and which will be changed as appropriate.
Another resource will be the reading scheme books that your child will be given when they are considered ready for their use, again some books with and some without print. These are designed to help children to become familiar with sequencing, story telling, use of picture cues and high frequency words (such as: and, the, my etc). They may also target particular, simple, phonemes that we have been learning in class. Please note that it is normal for some children not to have reading scheme books until later in the year.
It is entirely normal that children will bring home the same book for more than one day. As boring as this may seem to you we do ask you to be as enthusiastic on day 5 as you were on day 1! Your child will have chosen the book for a good reason – they love the story; they like the pictures; or simply because it gives them confidence because they know the story. By uncritically praising all their efforts your child will become confident and ready to read.
For all books that your child looks at we suggest the following:
- Look at the cover and see if there are clues to what the book is about – eg. Pictures, title, blurb on the back etc. Praise them for good suggestions.
- Look at, and talk about the pictures on each page. Praise them for good ideas.
- Read the story (together, on your own, supporting your child as they read – whatever, they feel happiest with) pointing to each word as it is read. This focuses your child’s attention to the fact that one spoken word equals one printed word. More praise.
- Ask questions about the story as you go eg “Which bowl do you think belongs to Baby Bear?” Yet more praise.
- Re-read the story without pause if your child wants to.
- Praise them for doing well.
As the reading scheme books are designed for supporting specific reading skills it is equally important children share books other than the reading scheme books. They will have familiar books at home that they love to hear and may choose from the school and class library a book as regularly as they wish. It is equally important that children experience print in other forms (signs, notices, non fiction books etc)
Children are provided with a reading record as a means of communication between home and school. Please feel free to record in the reading records all reading experiences your child has.
When your child begins to use a reading scheme book, we will change them with an adult but all children are invited to change their books independently as, and when they need. This will not be recorded in their record.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me. You are always welcome in the classroom before or after school for a chat.
Yours sincerely
Kirsty Fairclough