Spring 2nd half 2011
We have been answering the telephone and writing the order in a list. Then the shop staff have read the list and counted or weighed the items. The order is then passed to the delivery driver who takes the delivery to the correct room and collects the money.
We also really enjoyed looking after our visiting lambs. A really big thanks to the parents who have helped to make this all possible!
A final note about our web page...
The aim is for the website to become a valuable resource for children, families, staff and the wider community. We would like it to become a place where you can find out more about Class RKF's work and topics, access information, links to relevant websites and importantly become a showcase for the work that we are so proud of. If you have any suggestions of items or information that you would like to see on the site please feel free to let us know. This is a 'blank canvas' and we would love to know what families would find interesting or useful. This is an ongoing process for us and we are excited about the possibilities that our new website presents, so watch this space...